little date night

Simon had a date last night. His friend Savannah is sweet on him and last week she told her mom that she thought that they needed to have a dinner and a movie date. She called and invited him over, it was pretty adorable.

He brought a rose from the garden and a bottle of sparkling apple cranberry too. I told him to hide the flower behind his back to surprise Savvy who was waiting at the front door for him, with her dad of course.

First they played for a bit out in the back yard, swings and slides and stuff and then they had dinner. They toasted, shared a bowl of grapes and got caught up.

And then they got all set up to watched Tangled. My boy totally agreed to the chick flick I was so proud :).

Although they are clearly to little to actually date it was a really sweet night for my boy - Levi was heartbroken that he didn't get invited but I think Simon loved the novelty of some one on one time with his good friend.

We are really going to miss seeing sweet Savvy at school next year but I am sure that these two will be friends for a long long time!

And speaking of date nights I have not forgotten about dinner at eight. There are some adorable dates over HERE on the linky check them out when you get a chance! I am, Lord willing, going to have a new theme for you soon - our life has turned upside down at the moment but dating my sweetie pie is always a priority so I plan to come up with something!!

miss dahlia

Was there ever a dreamier flower to photograph than you? I think not.

make something monday :: homemade watercolors

 originally posted in May of 2009 on my old blog HERE my son
Simon was still two at that time and he loved this!

Simon and I had some fun today while Levi was napping, we made homemade watercolor paints!
It was a simple recipe I found via the Crafty Crow:

3 Tbs corn starch
3Tbs baking soda
3Tbs vinegar
1 1/2 tsp of corn syrup
food coloring

We mixed the first four ingredients with a whisk and filled up half an ice cube tray with the fizzy concoction.

I let Simon mix the colors with toothpicks while I dropped a bit of food coloring into each compartment. We bought the regular and neon food coloring and have tons left over for many more water coloring days.

Simon was content to paint and paint and paint..

and swish and swish and swish in the "mud puddle" water.

And he even  helped me do the dishes before snack time, it was a fun thing to do on such a crazy rainy day in Seattle!


I love pulling out some of these projects we have done in the past I think I am going to do this again soon with my boys this fall when school starts. I am not completely owning this yet but since our plans have suddenly changed preschool has been cut so it's looking like I might be taking on some home school responsibilities and I am getting a bit excited about it!

Have a great day everyone and leave links in the comments if you have any fun crafts to share today I would love to see!

linking up here!

thank you

Good morning everyone and happy Monday! First I must start out by saying thank you to all of you for the amazing comments on my last post about our impending move. I read them all and was seriously so moved by your sincere kindness and care. You guys are such a gift to my heart I feel so blessed!

We spent the weekend busy busy with a community garage sale on our block. Our boys provided a lemonade stand for the festivities (pictures to come). It was quite fun but wow my house looks like someone came in and ransacked the place it is a DISASTER. We have a bunch of moving boxes out and piles of stuff all over the place. It's going continue to get wild around here for the next few weeks I can tell.

We have a better idea of where we will most likely be moving, which is good. Man it takes your breath away when you find out you have less than a month to get out of your house and have nowhere to go. With three little ones my Mommy instincts get pretty frazzled but I think it's going to be OK. I just have to continue to loosen the grip I have around what I thought our fall and winter might look like and September is shaping up to be full to the brim for sure!

I have pulled out a fun craft to share today from my Orangepoppy archives that will be up very shortly. I am off to IKEA with the kids and Claire which will be an adventure. I hope you all had a great weekend - can you believe that August is almost over? Seems like summer just started doesn't it.

OK I will be back in a flash with make something monday!

ready to move

(post written as an update to THIS post)

Chris had started trimming the beautiful old maple tree that lives at the front of our house when the kids suddenly got pretty wild. The tree was abandoned, so late, after they went to bed, he went back outside to finish up the project he had started.

I was folding laundry and changing the sheets on our bed with the window wide open letting the cool summer air in. Our window faces the front of the house and I could hear the clippers snipping away at the branches as he worked.

Pretty soon a neighbor joined him, and I could hear them chatting about guitars and watching our dog while we are on vacation and such neighborly things. It was sweet and made me smile. And then I heard another one of our neighbors come by and Chris greeted him in his usual manor with a big "hello sir." I knew exactly who it was without even looking. They chatted about the upcoming community garage sale and the BBQ afterward.

But it made my heart sad a little bit.

We have been going through the painful process of selling our home for the past five months we have a buyer and everything but the situation we are in has made the process slow and confusing and really super up in the air. We found out this morning that we have to be out in the next thirty days.

I remember only three summers ago when we got the keys to this house. I remember how excited we were and how we spent the first evening pulling down wallpaper and showing family around. The boys were both under two. We ripped out the kitchen and lived without a sink or appliances for months.

Two babies, my best friend was here, the summer was hot and I felt God's goodness and blessing pouring out onto our family with each helping hand that would come over, each gallon of paint we were able to purchase. It was an adventure.

I remember the night Chris put up the Orla Kiely wallpaper and I teased him about how I loved it but knew that a day would come when I would make him remove it because inspiration would strike and I would need something new. I promised him it would be at least five years though. Chris' brother and his wife bought us new appliances and I cried huge tears of joy that our family would have such a beautiful home after struggling hard crammed into 770 square feet. We dreamed about more kids and Thanksgivings and one day putting in a big garden.

My heart hurts.

But God laid something on my heart tonight, as I took some more dirty clothes down to the basement to load the washer again. He whispered.

Are you ready to move?

And for some reason it didn't hit me in the we are moving to a new house kind of way. This time it hit me in the - ARE YOU READY TO MOVE - like be on the lookout, I am moving and I want you to be a part of that story - kind of way.

Isn't it so true how we will receive a blessing from God and then get so super comfortable and cozy our little open hands suddenly clasp tight around that gift. I love the blessing of this house. I am not ready to release it. But I hear God softly calling us forward into the great unknown asking me to trust Him with our future and gently reminding me to be ready.

I want to be ready when He says move. I want to be able to hear Him and not the stuff around me that I think I need to hold onto.

So we are about to take the next step of figuring out where to move our family of five. There is pain and mourning as my heart begins to unravel itself from what I thought would be our home for a long, long time. I know God will be faithful. He always is. He has given Chris a new job, which requires a new direction, and so I am preparing myself to be ready to move as He calls.

nutella broiler s'mores..

What can I say really? It's been a doozy of a week and it's only Wednesday.

So this kind of just happened, don't judge.

I'm not suppose to have dairy but I made an exception and oh.mah.goodness, why did I wait so long to try this? Really amazing and I think it helped just a little.

It's a blob of nutella on top of a graham cracker topped with a marshmallow and put under a hot broiler until golden brown. Squish another graham cracker on top and let the warm nutella get all good and gooey. 

So how's your week going has required any chocolate yet :)? xo

how to make a t-shirt flower


Yesterday I showed you how to make this ombré infinity scarf and as promised here is the tutorial to make the matching t-shirt flower embellishment!

your going to need:

t-shirt to cut up
a felt circle
button for the center
fabric glue
a flower template - I made this simple one by hand with some card stock

1. Cut eight flowers using the template out of the t-shirt
2. One at a time fold the flowers in half and then a quarter and dab a little glue inside the corner so it sticks.
3. Glue the petals onto the felt circle four on the bottom and then layer three on top of those four.
4. With the last petal pinch it a bit more and glue it down right in the center.
5. Add the button with your glue or sew it down if you would like.
6. Cut a long strip of fabric and glue that down onto the back of the flower and let it all dry.

After it is dry use the flower to wrap around the scarf and secure on the underside. Alternately you could sew the flower onto the scarf but I wanted mine to be removable so that I could toss the scarf in the wash if need be...and knowing me and how most of my scarfs and shirts become napkins I know there will be a need. :)

The t-shirt flower also looks super cute wrapped around a ponytail or braid! I hope you have fun making these I would love to see photos if you do!

become a sunshine sponsor!

I am super excited to announce that I am now offering sponsorship on a Bit of Sunshine! I love this community and blogging so much and am thrilled to be able to share this space and offer exposure for other bloggers, indie businesses and artists who have the same passions as I do! 

I have several different ad sizes to fit your budget and needs and would love to have you partner with me to get the word out about your special spot on the web.

And as a kick start special anyone that purchases a September spot will be given October FOR FREE! That's right a buy one get one sale. September and October are going to be big months on a Bit of Sunshine it's Mine and Mr. Gough's birthday in September and two of my babies have birthday's in October plus all kinds of other fun stuff it's going to be a party around here!

You can find all the details HERE!

Oh and what do you guys think of the blog makeover? Heather at Life Made Lovely was once again a dream to work with she is so amazing - check out her site if you are looking for someone to spice up your blog you will not regret it!

make something monday :: ombré infinity scarf

The ombré trend has stolen my heart this year as it has with so many of you I am sure. I can't resist the subtleness of it, so bohemian and soft. I bought some Rit dye earlier in the summer and had fun experimenting with a few projects and came away with this easy infinity scarf using only dye and an XL white t-shirt. It's really the perfect early fall piece to add into your wardrobe as the weather starts to change and this thing is a snap to make. Here is what I did:


Rit dye - I used liquid
rubber gloves
XL white t-shirt
bowl for dying

 I followed the directions on the dye bottle and used a bowl in the kitchen sink. It worked perfectly and made it easy to control. I do recommend gloves though so that your hands aren't blue for days.

I then just dipped one half of the shirt into the dye going crosswise not up and down and let it sit for about ten minutes then nudged a little more of the shirt into the dye bath giving it a few minutes again. I then lowered the rest of the shirt into the dye bath for just a quick dip, removed it all from the bowl and then rinsed the shirt out until the water ran clear.

I set the shirt out to dry in the sun and then went ahead and ran it through the wash to get any excess dye out.

Now all that was left to do was to cut off the bottom hem of the shirt and then the top. Make your cut pretty wide and stretch the long tube of fabric out until there is no tomorrow.

See that, easy as pie really.

And if you come back tomorrow I will show you how to make a matching t shirt flower to embellish it, promise!

Hope you have a great day today, happy Monday friends!

linking up here!

wordless wednesday

{tiny glimpses of our family vacation last week via my cell phone}

not quite

Hello hello everyone so I have a confession to make. I had 'big' plans this evening to pop in here with a yummy popsicle recipe for my make something monday post but after dinner we popped these homemade orange coconut creamsicles out and well - they got mixed reviews.

The boys thought they were good, I thought they were okay and Mr. Gough thought they taste a bit like barf. :) Don't worry he said it sweetly. I enjoyed the sprinkles that we added on top because sprinkles make even barfy popsicles taste pretty good. ha! Anyways I thought I should come out with it since I mentioned it in my earlier post and let you know that I am going back to the drawing board before sharing any recipes. I am after a really yummy creamsicle taste but without the dairy - any suggestions or awesome recipes for me? Maybe I should skip the creamscicles and go straight for these mojito popsicles instead they look pretty yummy!

So in the mean time tell me what's your favorite homemade popsicle recipe? I would love to hear! Hope you had a great day today will be back soon!

{my august favorites}

{one} - renton for life {two} - paint chip madness {three} - little fists {four} - little house by the lake {five} - unique simplicity {six} - joining the party {seven} - lucky number thirteen {eight} - life & oh la dee dah{nine} - tales and trials {ten} - latte day

Such an awesome month for Ten on Ten - I loved looking at all of your beautiful sets and had so much fun putting my favorites together this month! Thanks to everyone who participated it is always such a huge treat to be a part of such a fun community, looking forward to September already!

I will be back with a few photos to share from our wonderful vacation, a popsicle recipe and some more sunshine later on in the week hope you all have a great Monday! xoxo

{I also wanted to say a special thank you to the talented girls who shared their summer sipper recipes while I was away if you missed them we had Sangria with Annalea, a smoothie from heaven with Jessi and a strawberry lemonade slushy with Summer thanks girls!}

a Sip of Summer with Summer Crosbie

Hey everyone! My name is Summer and I blog over at the Crosbie Crew. My blog is a little photography, a little craftiness and a whole lot of craziness about my family of 4. I hope you stop by!

I'm excited to share with you one of our new favorite summer drinks.  It's a refreshing and cool drink on a hot summer's day.  Nothing is better than sipping on a cold beverage surrounded by your family and friends.
You're going to want to use your ice cream maker for this drink.  Place the "freezer bowl" in the freezer the night before you want to make this.

Step 1: 
Wash and hull about 4 good size strawberries. Place them on a blender and puree them. Set aside.

Step 2:
Take out your freezer bowl and fill it 75% with lemonade. Pour the strawberry puree into the lemonade and mix with a spoon.

Step 3:
Put your mixer piece and lid on your ice cream maker.  Turn it on and let it mix for about 10 minutes.  That's it!  You will end up with a nice strawberry-lemonade slushy. 

The kids will love this!  It will make about 4 small size cups. Want an adult version? Add a little lemon vodka!  Don't forget to share, or not!  :)
Thank you so much for having me Rebekah!

a Sip of Summer with Jessi Connolly

Hey ya'll! I'm Jessi from Naptime Diaries. I'm a lover of Jesus, wife to a handsome man, mama to three little ones, etsy shop owner, fan of Rebekah and dancer to all things Beyonce. And I'm SO excited to share a summer sipper with ya'll. 
This summer has been like no other for us.  For the past three years, our family of former southerners has lived in the sweet pacific northwest. Ahhhh, we miss you, Mt. Rainier and 80 degree days. THIS YEAR, we're back on the East Coast permanently, which means more heat (boo) and more family (yay). Our entire family lives within about a three hour range and they've all got farm houses and beach houses and guest rooms galore. So the kids and I have just about gone on tour!
It's been so wonderful to just skip town every few days and explore the southeast with these kiddos, but it's meant an intense decline in productivity:). All the summer projects I had in mind, the endeavors I was going to pursue - they've all fallen by the wayside. My only goal now is to hopefully get the suitcase unpacked before I pack it again.  And a simple smoothie helps me do just that.  I haven't had the time to research that raw food diet, but this will do.  Need to do 612 loads of laundry before we leave tomorrow, smoothies for breakfast! We're out of groceries and only have frozen bananas and peanut butter, HOORAY FOR SMOOTHIES! So here's my encouragement to sip on this sweet smoothie & chill out about the productivity if you can. It's summer, right? Without further ado, I give you: 

unproductive, yet healthy smoothie from heaven 
(serves one)  

1 chopped frozen banana 1 cup of soy or almond milk 2 tablespoons nut butter 1 tablespoon chia seeds or flax seed handful of dark chocolate chips!  blend it and get back in the car for your 4th (or 1st!) impromptu roadtrip!   
Enjoy ya'll! 

Ten on Ten :: August 2011

Happy tenth everyone what fun to see all of your wonderful sets today, lots of new friends this month too make sure you get around and say hello! If you haven't had a chance to link up yet just scroll down to the linky in the post below it will be open for the rest of the week!

I am off to continue my little break soaking in the end of summer with family but will be back in a few days with my favorites from the month!

ps. be sure to pop by tomorrow I have another fun guest post to share!
 and an outtake :)
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