I started the Ten on Ten project back in January of 2008. My amazing family had just given me my very first SLR for my 28th birthday. I had given birth to my second son (sixteen months after my first) and out of desperation to combat a horrible bought of postpartum depression I longed for a project to help me find beauty and joy even when my world was so exhausting and hard with two little ones running around.
The project has since grown to be a fun and interactive way for blogger's from all around the globe to document a snap shot of their lives too, once a month on the tenth taking a photo an hour for ten consecutive hours. Finding life and beauty in the ordinary things of our day to day! To participate simply visit the blog on the tenth of the month and add your set to the linky party so that all can check out your day! Add a button to your side bar too and support the project!
A special thanks to Kristen Gough contributing blogger for Ten on Ten as well as Capturing our Blessings: a month long collaborative project showcasing a photo a day each November shared side by side with Rebekah’s without seeing or discussing the other’s capture first. Finding extra special blessings during the month dedicated to Thanksgiving. It is an honor to have her as part of our team