Ten on Ten :: April 2015

I'm finally getting my set up - better late than never I suppose. Truthfully we were all so super sick with the flu last week, I was in bed the better part of five days and I admit that for the first time in eight years of doing ten on ten I decided to postpone my set to the eleventh because I couldn't muster the energy. It worked out really great though because April 11th just so happens to be our anniversary and we decided on a whim to take a trip into the mountains to shake off the rest of the sickies and wound up in Leavenworth of all place for a great night of celebrating together as a family! Chris made me do eleven photos instead of the usual ten though to make up for my delay but I am happy with what I captured this month - a little snapshot of what our family looks like right now and all the beauty in the ordinary I could find too…thank you guys as always for participating in Ten on Ten with me, it's such a gift! 
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  1. I love your mama bear necklace !


  2. so beautiful, looks like a happy day. Glad you're feeling better.

  3. I love your post for today. I love your post from yesterday. I love your husband´s idea (11 pics). I love to see your family. I fall in love with your mama bear necklace (oh my!!!). I love your particular way of seing life.
    Thanks for being an inspiration!
    Kisses and blessings.
    Mirys (from Brazil)


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