Ten on Ten :: February 2015

Hi Friends, I'm getting a little bit of a late start on Ten on Ten today - whoops! I hope you have a blessed day capturing all the beauty you find in your path, can't wait to see what you capture! xoxo

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  1. A lovely sunrise, have a beautiful day.

  2. Beautiful set of photos. Looking through your photos each month (and anytime you post a photo!) are inspiring and make me want to take better photos myself!

  3. What a lovely day you had! Especially that chocolate granola bight goodie! Recipe please!!
    Once again, thank you for hosting such an inspiring monthly challenge. I always look forward to it!

  4. I need a photo of the gough girl cousins in their care bear hoodies ;)

  5. oh my, is that baby's face for real! what art. what a cute.


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