labor day

source: green wedding shoes
Happy labor day friends. Boy have we been laboring over here this weekend I haven't had much time to catch my breath between house inspections and packing and cleaning. Last week as if we needed anymore chaos in our lives our car ended up with a seized engine of all things and is literally garbage so we are borrowing grandmas car right now too. I am sure there is a huge rainbow at the end of all of this for our family but at the moment we are so weary and tired it is beyond describable.

Chris is building a fence with his brother and dad right now at our new rental house though! It is such a gift to at least know where to move all the boxes too. We are taking it one day at a time which is ok and I am still finding little sunshiny spots in my life to get on my knees and thank my God for!

I will be around this week maybe a bit more picture heavy than text heavy but as we prepare to move I am determined to capture some snippets of sunshine to share. And if you have emailed me know that I am getting through my inbox as fast as I can thank you for your patience!

I hope most of you are finding yourselves enjoying the final moments of summer sipping on something yummy. See you soon friends I am off to work work work! xo


  1. Love this rainbow of dresses! I saw a rainbow during my walk this morning; it was just in the sprinkler mist, but it was beautiful in that early morning light. :) Thinking of you today...

  2. To at least know where you are going (your rental) is a big deal. I hope you get settled in and take it easy so you can breathe. Moving is so stressful. Find that sunshine, girl! :)


  3. That rainbow of dresses is beautiful!
    Loved the picture! :P

  4. Sounds like an eventful day! have a great week

  5. Oh, car trouble is the worst! You have such a positive attitude! You are a breath of fresh air!!

  6. thought of you guys a lot this weekend, sending our love.

  7. Rebekah just love your photo of the dresses. it is hard without a car It makes you realize how we have come to rely on them, I hate that but can't live without one either. Happy days ahead my friend xo

    Always Wendy

  8. Bless your heart and will love seeing your sunshine as you share it this week.


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