
leather headband with The Merrythought

You guys I am so excited about todays guest post with Caitlin from The Merrrythought. I have been huge fans of the  girls behind this incredibly inspiring blog for a really long time and was first introduced to them through the Ten on Ten project - they are seriously some of the most beautiful, talented women and I know you will adore their blog if you haven't found it already. True eye candy almost everyday of the week over there!! Caitlin is showing us how to make this adorable leather headband today and I am honored to host her here!

Hey! My name is Caitlin, I am a vintage ­loving, craft­making lady that spends a lot of time behind a camera. I share a lot of pictures, projects and thoughts over on The Merrythought, where I blog with Manda and Marla! I am so excited to be here on Rebekah's blog to share a quick DIY beaded leather headband today!

What you need:


­Leather lace


­Needle and thread


­Mod Podge and brush

How to make it: Cut a piece of leather 12" x 1.25"  and lay out a design with beads that will fit in that space. (Sketching out your idea ahead of time will help.) Use your needle and thread to sew the beads in place. For bigger beads you will have to go through the leather between each bead and smaller ones you might be able to get away with stringing a few on the thread before stitching it back through the leather.

Cut four 19" pieces of leather lace. Use a dab of Mod Podge at each end of the beaded leather to help hold two pieces of the leather lace per side. Cut two pieces of leather .75" x 1.25". (I used the same type of leather as I did for my main band but I used the back side of it to add some contrast.)

Use another dab of Mod Podge to secure this over the pieces of leather lace. Once the Mod Podge has dried, use your needle and thread to stitch an X over the piece for extra support.

Tie it and wear it!

Thank you so much for being here today Caitlin and a huge kiss to your whole team over at The Merrythought you guys are definitely on my blog crush list! xo, Rebekah


  1. adorable! If only headbands didn't give me headaches:(

  2. Leather
    -:very nice information, we are glad to read this news or post,
