
sponsor spotlight :: an interview with Brachel Boulevard + etsy giftcard giveaway!

I am so excited to welcome Rachel from Brachel Boulevard here today and to introduce you to her darling blog! She is a mother of two living abroad with her sweet husband Brandon, currently in Barcelona. She writes about their adventures together and shares fun recipes and craft ideas with lots of pictures of her adorable kids! I did a little interview with Rachel so that we could get to know her a bit more...and make sure to check out the fun giveaway at the bottom. Rachel is generously offering one reader a $25 gift card to Etsy. There are just about a million things I could think of to buy with one of those! OK without further ado, here is miss Rachel:

1. What is the name of your blog and the passion behind why you write it?

Our blog name is Brachel Boulevard. The term "Brachel", our self-proclaimed "celebrity couple" name, started as a joke. (Brandon + Rachel=Brachel) 4 years, 2 children and 14 countries later, it has come to represent all of the amazing things we have done together as a couple.

Our blog is our journal. We write about our travels, our ups & downs, our lives as a whole. I am a history major so I am passionate about preservation. Our blog is the way we reserve our memories. 

2. Tell us a bit about yourself and your family

I'm a twenty something bookworm with a wanderlust that will never be fulfilled. Luckily, my husband has been infected with that same wanderlust. Brandon is a numbers guys, a cancer survivor and amputee. He is an inspiration to me and our children. Corbin is three and loves all things super heroes. Elizabeth is our little princess that is very attached to her Mommy (which I love most of the time). 

3. A favorite date night memory with your sweetie

Brandon found a new exhibit at a museum that played music and had the words of the songs rotate around the room. We went on a date to the museum, spent the majority of the time looking at beautiful paintings and then he brought me into this music exhibit room, and started slow dancing with me.  We were the only ones in the room, and it was super romantic. He has yet to top that date! 

4. A favorite indulgence

Some of you are gonna laugh at this but it's totally Regency novels! Ha ha I can sit down start reading a Regency novel & forget to make dinner! When I read, I indulge, I don't stop until it's done. 

5. What countries have you lived in and which one is your favorite/why?

We have lived in the US, Belgium, & are currently living in Spain. The US will always be home but I must say Spain is making it's way up the ranks! 

6. One thing you are looking forward to this Fall?

The sound of crunching leaves under my feet. It's the simple things like that that make me smile! :) 


So fun to get to know you a bit Rachel - that date night sounds pretty dreamy for sure! Thank you so much for being here today it's a joy to find new blog friends!

Here are a few of Rachel's current favorites on etsy - for a chance to win a $25 gift card enter the giveaway below it will be open until October 3rd. And don't forget to stop by and say hello to Rachel too!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a fun giveaway. I love that fox mask!

    - April

  2. Omg, I just fell in love with your blog!! It's so fun to read,great subjects, following.

    Check out my blog?
