
Ten on Ten :: February 2014

Happy Ten on Ten friends - hope you guys had a blessed day searching for that beauty in the ordinary, can't wait to see what you found! xoxo
ten on ten button


  1. I always love your 10 on 10's. You're so talented!!

  2. So beautiful! Love the shots of your children.

  3. Those faces are adorable! Wishing we had some of that rain. The part of Australia I live in is currently experiencing a number of bushfires. Wishing you a happy month. x

  4. Those smiles are contagious! I adore those pictures. What sweet moments captured. It looks cold and wet. Stay warm and dry! :) .. Also the last shot is so soft and inviting. I am going to get some flowers while I'm out. It may cure the 6°F blues! Ha ha...

  5. your girls are angels!!! and your photography is awesome.

  6. I love this project. Your pictures are so inspirational. Without knowing this week I posted Ten on Ten in my everyday life update. I try to capture the simple things that we enjoy even when we're sleep deprived parents :)

  7. So lovely! I love your little girl's smile, contagious and cheery!

  8. Such a wonderful set. Your photography is such an inspiration to me, Rebekah! xo
