
thursday through my lens :: blackberry picking

Well my bad sore throat on Monday ended up turning into a wicked case of Strep Throat by Tuesday so I must admit that I have been rotting away in bed all week writhing in pain. Strep just plain stinks I haven't had it in years - ugh. But thank goodness for antibiotics and narcotics and sweet husbands and MIL's too to save the day! I am hoping that I am headed in the right direction to feel much better for the weekend and praying that nobody else comes down with it.

These photos were taken last Saturday at a little spot just down the street from our house. A blackberry goldmine, we were in heaven picking until our fingers and lips and clothes were all stained the deepest purple. I just love blackberries they are quintessential summer and we have plans to make a return appearance for more before it's over!

So if you come back tomorrow I hope to have enough energy to share this yummy recipe for the blackberry cobblers we made in tiny mason jars with our bounty - but for now I am sticking to cold popsicles and water and resting when I's to a healthy and wonderful Thursday for you whatever you are up to!


  1. Love the image of your youngest being fed a blackberry, and the one of your daughter, far off, sitting in the forest. I'm sorry you're sick, Rebekah.

    1. aw thanks that is sweet - feeling on the mend today thank goodness for antibiotics, hope you have a good one!

  2. Seriously. I live for days like this with my babes!!! And can not WAIT to see your cobbler recipe!
    So sorry you were feeling crummy! I had strep for the first time as an adult this winter and OH. MY.WORD. Seriously the worst. You know it's bad when you have a spit cup next to your bed because your throat hurts so bad it's a chore to swallow the spit in your mouth :/ gross but true haha

  3. oh my gosh I know right - the only other thing that hurts worse than swallowing is crying because your throat is already swollen practically shut but all you want to do is ball your eyes out because of the pain...ugh. also so glad you left this note because I totally owe you an email, hope you are having a good one Ashley!

  4. I hope you get feeling better! That is no fun.

    It looks like such a fun family outing. I hope to get that blackberry cobbler recipe. It looks delish! :)

  5. oh no! Strep?! Sending healing prayers your way.

  6. Love love love these photos!

    Kate from Clear the Way

  7. Thanks for hosting! Love all the blackberries -- and the cobbler - YUM! Strep Throat can be the worst!! Feel better soon! :)

  8. great photos!! what settings were you on? :)

  9. strep is horrible, i'm sorry you're sick with it, and hope you get well sooner than later! the photos are beautiful and it sounds like a heavenly time picking blackberries. i love them!

  10. love your photos. what kind of camera + lens do you use?
