
Ten on Ten :: January 2013

Thank you to everyone who joined me in capturing your day today behind the lens - we had a rather cozy, coffee filled day here at home. Looking forward to checking out all of your sets...I saw a pregnancy announcement among the group this month, congrats glimmersnaps! Hope the remainder of your week is blessed. If you haven't had a chance to add your set to the linky in the post below it will be open for the rest of the week. Happy ten on ten friends! xo


  1. Are you loving Kisses From Katie?! LOVED that book- so inspiring! Let me know if you want more good reads- I've been reading so many amazing, inspiring books lately- love it!

  2. Stunning photos! I really love that fence post one and how you mixed in b+w photos, too. I can't wait to read Kisses from Katie--I hope you're enjoying it!

  3. beautiful pictures. thanks for hosting such a fun linky!

  4. Your day DOES look cozy. I adore the pic of busy work by the glowing fireplace. Nice! And coffee is my all time favorite addiction.

    The beauty in your life shines through your pictures.


  5. What a beautiful day!
    I read Kisses From Katie- loved it! It totally rocked my world (in a good way :))
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. oooo! an aeropress! i got one for Christmas and i use it every morning; just LOVE it! lovely photos as usual.......

  7. I love them all, but the two with the hands--Zeb holding the bottle and Simon working--are my favorites! Such precious little fingers!

  8. Ooooh, two hands on the bottle, so adorable.
    We use a french press. Going to check out this aeropress thing - intrigued!
    Beautiful photos. Thanks for hosting, I look forward to this each month :)

  9. i got kisses from katie as a gift just recently! so excited to read it and glad to see others doing the same!

  10. I was curious about that first picture, and from the comments it seems to be an aeropress? We're faithful french pressers...but I'm interested in looking into this. Lovely pictures!

  11. such pretty photos... love the baby hands holding that bottle... so sweet! this was my first 10 on 10 ... i love the idea... thanks for the reminder to find the beauty in everyday moments... no matter how small they may be...

  12. Beautiful and sweet photos!! Have a great weekend! xo Heather

  13. always love seeing parts of your day Rebekah! :)

  14. Lovely photos! How do you make your iced coffee? It looks delicious :)

  15. Lovely Friend...I miss you and reading your blog is such a nice way to stay apart of your fills me with JOY! Praying we can connect this year! Like many of your other readers I too have read Kisses from Katie...LOVE Africa stories that fill me with Hope and remind me of my years there. Big Hug, Bryna

  16. Such a beautiful set from start to finish. So thankful for your continued commitment to this project that inspires and encourages so many, rebekah! Love your self-portrait and the iced coffee shots especially! So lovely. xo

  17. I always love your photos!! Thanks for sharing!!

  18. I did it too !!
    'love your pics ! My favorite is the one with the little baby !

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I meant... THANK YOU, Rebekah :)

  21. Dear rebekah,your photos are very beautiful. Especially that of your baby. Thanks for the great initiative!
