
Ten on Ten :: September 2012

It was a harder one for me today I really had to dig in deep to find those nuggets of beauty and blessing. They are always there though for me to partake if I choose. I so love this monthly ritual of capturing a day behind the lens and am looking forward to looking through your sets, thank you all who played along this community and accountability is a gift! Until next month, happy photographing friends!

Learn more about the Ten on Ten project HERE and check out all the other sets HERE.


  1. i completely missed it this month! darn.
    i just love your picture snippets rebekah
    and really love the concept behind this fab link up! xoxo

  2. I love that your set still has little bits of summer in it. It's a good reminder for me to stop and enjoy the last few days of summer before school starts and my life gets crazy.

    I really love the yellow chair, strawberries, and pepper photos. Lovely set!

  3. What a beautiful photo of little Zeb. You always do such a wonderful job of capturing the spirit of the season, I can totally feel that late summer light in these shots. Great work, sorry it was a tough day - sending prayers :)

  4. I love your shots, the colour and feel in these is so sunny and filled with joy for life.

  5. Some days are hard. I like to document the hard treasures, too. You always do such a fantastic job capturing your beauty. Blessings to you- I hope today is much easier for you.


  6. Such beautiful and precious photos!! Wishing you a blessed week! xo Heather

  7. This is beautiful! Every single photo. You found it. :)

  8. Are those your boots?! They are LOVELY!!! :) Such beautiful pictures!

  9. Gorgeous set of photos, really love this link up- always good to look for the beauty in our days & some days are harder than others.

  10. so much light! josie and zeb are pretty adorable ;)

  11. Cute Rebekah! I think my favorite is the one of your dining room table and that awesome yellow chair. There's something really lovely about it. I always love the pictures of you and my nieces and nephews, though, too.

  12. I love this set! And I so appreciate the focus on seeing the little bits of beauty in the days, even when the days are long and hard. You are inspiring!!

  13. Oh Zeb! I just love that face!!:) great set!!
