
Dinner at Eight 2015

All right you guys, I know I've hinted at bringing it back before and even attempted a few times to bring it back too but this time I mean business. Dinner at Eight is coming back this year - one date a month, at home, a special, intentional time investing in my marriage.

Are you going to join me? The plan is really simple and straight forward and in NO way should feel intimidating and overwhelming. The idea is to be intentional and that can look a million different ways.

Over New Years I found myself talking about this project several times with friends and what I kept coming back to (and what surprised me a ton) was the heart behind Dinner at Eight not just the cute decorations and yummy food and photos. When Andi and I started this project we were so intentional together, we prayed for each others marriages and we held each other accountable to invest in the gift of being married. I am passionate about marriage - I've first hand experienced the pain of what broken marriage can do to a family and so I want to treat my marriage as sacred and blessed by God and I want my children to see that too.

Over this next year I will be hosting a date night each month here at home and will even have a theme to spark inspiration. I will post a linky here on the last day of the month for you to join in and share how your date night went if you want.

For January I've picked Candlelight as the theme - it doesn't have to be fancy, eating a peanut butter sandwich by candle light can be romantic, but there is something about even taking the time to set out the candles that can take any meal up and notch and make it special.

So these are my initial thoughts - I will post more as I progress but I want you to know that I am praying for your marriages too and I am not just saying that I mean it. I am holding you up in prayer believing for joy and grace to abound in the midst of all that the union of marriage can mean. So do you think you might join me this month? I hope so! xo

you can see past dinner at eight dates HERE!


  1. Love love love. So happy that you are reviving this beautiful tradition! Cheering you on, sister in all the ways you are pouring into your marriage, family, and your blog community, too. Beauty. Xoxo

  2. Yay Yay! I will definitely be joining!

  3. Replies
    1. oh that's awesome, I can't wait to see it have fun! xo

  4. Yippee!!! Our marriages needs this!! Thanks for restarting :)

  5. How did I miss this? Apparently I thought blogs had gone into hibernation and I am SO glad that yours hasn't and that Dinner at 8 is back! I think I'll try to join you this year (I have a bit of catching up to do)...lucky #8...we need this! Thank you for inspiring!
