
SEA to Sea // Autumn

Oh I love the Fall it's such a beautiful (and crazy busy) time of year! I took a little walk with baby Zeb to hunt for pretty leaves and it was such a highlight for me this week in the midst of the chaos. We saw a neighbor and he looked at him, smiled and said "I'm with my mom" it totally melted me! 

We also went to the pumpkin patch with Josie's preschool class and I managed to make Bridget's delicious roasted pumpkin apple soup too, her recipe HERE! The leaves are changing and the weather is cooling a bit. I've had my share of a few pumpkin spice lattes and the birthday's are in full swing in our family and I can't wait to get my boots and scarves out in full rotation again too! Thankful for the blessing that the changing seasons can bring. What's your favorite thing about Autumn? xoxo

This week my set is first and then Stacy's - read about the stark contrast of her Autumn in San Diego HERE!

SEA to Sea is a weekly collaborative project I am doing with my dear friend Stacy Bostrom focusing on a theme of gratitude and grace each week and sharing our captures and thoughts together from the city of Seattle to the Shores of San Diego…other themes found HERE.