
Friday Pieday // Rum Raisin

This weeks pie was kind of a flop. I can't really put my finger on it exactly but we were all a little off and sick and even though it was my birthday my choice of birthday pie was not a big hit. 

For some context you should know that I have a huge love affair with Haagen-Dazs Rum Raisin ice cream - my dad got me started on it as a child and so the flavors are so nostalgic for me. The moment I saw this Rum Raisin pie in the Southern Pie Book I knew I would have to try it! 

It had a yummy cream cheese crust and a rich custard filling infused with the flavors of spicy rum and sweet raisins. We topped it off with homemade whipped cream but Chris was in bed with a stomach bug and so he didn't try it and because of that the whole experience wasn't quite the same as the past few weeks. The kids were all great sports and had a piece and Simon actually liked it the best but mostly everyone was super into the whip cream and there was a ton of pie leftover. 

I had dreamed of making this one for Thanksgiving and who know I might try it again but I don't think I will make it again anytime soon, I will just stick to enjoying my favorite ice cream on occasion by myself…these photos of Josie trying out the pie are kind of hilarious though!

So should I post the recipe, would you try a Rum Raisin pie? Next week I am getting a second pick so lets see if I can redeem myself! Happy Friday!


  1. I like the ice cream too...but I'm not a huge fan of rum cooked in things...was it overwhelming? And it almost looks like pecan, which I love..let me know when you've found a good one of those!

  2. Please post the recipe, I luv Rum Raisin Ice Cream!!!!!. It looks wonderful to me. Your Daughter's little face was adorable.

  3. this weekly project is so great. i love how you capture your kids in your gorgeous photos and how you describe the backstory for your pie choices in your beautiful writing. can't wait to see what you create next week! (maybe one week we can crash your party and make pie with you...i've got tons of plums in the freezer!...) :)
