
thursday through my lens :: ice cream cones

Chris took our older two boys the other night to a really fun birthday party and Josie was especially sad to be left out. We had a few errands to run just the babies and me and so I promised her an ice cream cone on our way home if they were good. They were and so we stopped for soft serve cones and on an impulse I decided to get one for Zeb too since he just loves being included on anything the big kids get. He hasn't really had much ice cream though and never his own cone.

I handed Josie hers and then watched Zeb's eyes grow to the size of silver dollars when I handed him one. He was seriously beaming with pride, but all he knew to do was hold the cone..and it started dripping. Josie was showing him how to lick it but instead he started waving it around smiling the entire time and smooshing it onto his pants. I reached back just a few blocks from our house and weaseled it out of his hands and seriously I have never heard him scream and cry the way he did when I took it away - he was furious and so sad and had huge tears streaming down his face. Josie and I were totally cracking up it was pathetically cute.

I managed to get him out of the car and onto the grass in front of our house before handing it back and grabbed my camera - it was so much fun watching him try out such a simple pleasure with his big sister. He kept saying "cheers" and smashing his cone onto Josie's and eventually he got some of it into his mouth. It didn't last long our little ice cream party and a bath was much needed afterwards but those sweet moments with them are forever burned on my heart. This job is the hardest thing I have ever done but the rewards are ten fold too and I am blessed, I am oh so very blessed indeed!


  1. oh, Rebekah! these are such sweet pictures!

  2. I am in love! These are great shots looks like you had a fun day!
    Jessica @
