


  1. LOVE the last one! Poor guy ~ looks like he ate himself to sleep! Great pictures this week!

  2. especially love these! Your oldest looks so handsome! love the action shot...such a big boy painting! your little darling looks so cute waiting in line with the tall people! and little zeb is adorable covered in crumbs. Can't believe he is already big enough to be eating foods like that. time flies. (it may not for you in the thick of it, but from someone who watches from far away, your little ones are really growing up!)

  3. Love all of these, but especially love the one of Zeb. I feel like I can relate. I ate a croissant in the car the other day and then ran in to a few stores to do some errands and realized (much later) that I was COVERED in crumbs. Oops.:)

  4. your kids are so scrummy, even crumb covered! x
