
Family Vacation :: 2012

We look forward to this time every single summer, a chance to get away with our extended Gough family to relax + play + eat + swim + sing + laugh + capture memories and enjoy the huge blessing of being together, it really is one of the biggest highlights of the entire year!

It was particularly special this time around after being pregnant alongside all three of my sisters in law this past year there is only one more baby due in a few weeks  and then we will officially be outnumbered by the kids!! I feel so very deeply blessed to be a part of this group and am already anxiously awaiting next summers adventures. Love you guys and a great big thank you to Mom and Dad Gough for your incredible hard work in serving all of your kids in this way it is such an amazing gift!


  1. That looks like a wonderful vacation. Your family is beautiful!

  2. Such a beautiful and fun vacation!! Adorable photos!! Happy Monday! xo Heather

  3. A few weeks?! I hope baby girl stays in a bit longer than that...I need to enjoy Wes' preschool mornings :)

    Lovely photos of our time together. Next year should be awesome!

  4. looks like an amazing vacation - the photos are beautiful as always! all those babies - and the little one on the way, such a perfect image

  5. Thanks for taking and posting these Rebekah! It's so fun to see our family through your lens. I think I'll have to frame a couple of these.

  6. Great pictures! I love all those cute little Goughs. :)

  7. Such a gorgeous glimpse into our vacation this year! I just love the way you capture the life around you, Rebekah--the details and moments of beauty and joy. I especially love all the portraits of our loved ones!! So fun, too, to see that one of us girls with our babies and baby-to-come! We truly are so blessed. Thank you, Steve and Paula for this incredible gift each year!! Thank you, God, for our family and the love and grace and experiences you have woven--and continue to weave--through our hearts! xoxo

  8. Your pictures are lovely. Spending a vacation with family is always a blessing!

  9. BEAUTIFUL photos! What a blessed happy family!

  10. WHERE do you guys go? looks amazing.

  11. Looks like an amazing trip! Me and my 2 sister in laws were all pregnant at the same time as fun to share the experience! Love your blog! :)

  12. This is so beautiful! You have such a wonderful, warm looking family. :)

  13. Exquisite relaxation with family is the best and oh my the scenery is so peaceful. You are blessed. Also, being preggers with your sis n laws is wonderful. My sis n law were pregnant together and it felt almost cosmic and deepened our bond for sure.

    Thanks for sharing your serenity.

  14. What a wonderful set of photos of the big wonderful Gough family. Lots of children, lots of fun. You took some stunning photos. Great job...
    We haven't blogged much this year. I think Instagram took all the attention, because it's more immediate and there is always a little time to sit down, free the mind from work and stress and decide what to write. Maybe we will catch up a little on the blog soon...keep on following us! ;)

  15. Love these photos!!!! What great shots!!

  16. Lovely photos! Family vacations are the best! {maybe aside from an occasional couples vacation alone. without kids. lol.}

  17. That is so mesmerizing.A happy sunshine at your place.Enjoy the beautiful life with your family....
