
some paint

 Levi has been asking to do a paint project all week but I am not going to lie it's not always easy for me to say yes to those requests. Don't get me wrong coloring is one thing but he loves art and especially painting and he really likes it when I come up with a specific project but with three kiddos it can be hard to find the time to truly indulge him.

Yesterday I promised him some good messy painting fun but time got away from me and I kept putting him off and then next thing I knew it was bedtime. Chris told me that he sweetly mentioned after prayers that he hoped tomorrow Mommy would paint with him.

And he had a really hard day at swim lessons (today was his second day ever). He sat on the edge with tears in his tender eyes but he didn't make a scene just had a brooding look on his face and he kept looking at me and talking super quiet - I couldn't hear him but he would get embarrassed if I asked him to repeat himself. He gets so nervous and shy and it's hard to be the little brother of such an outgoing boy like Simon especially when everyone assumes you're the same age. I actually have to boldly say that they are not twins in his defense since he is still only three and a half but looks and talks more like he's five.

So when we got home I made a huge deal about doing an art project and it was just the ticket he loved every minute. We made rainbow hand print fish and talked about how he was going to practice being a fish at swimming lessons tomorrow then he told me he that he didn't get into the pool today because he doesn't know how to swim...ha it cracked me up!

I admit that I am always shocked at how much fun indulging him can be, he helped me make a kissing fish picture with thumb print hearts and I posted them on the fridge so that he can admire our handiwork.

A silly octopus too.

Seriously so easy - why don't I drop the dishes and the laundry basket and do this kind of thing with him everyday?

It really was sweet and although it was only about an hour total (including popscicle break :)) out of a crazy busy day it was a bright spot for me - a gift just waiting for me to partake.


  1. cute paintings! i have 2 little boys that everyone think are twins. it can be the most annoying thing ever. i feel like the little one deserves a little more grace sometimes!

  2. I know isn't it so hard - seriously my little guy has always had so much pressure and when he totally excels nobody notices because they think he is older than he is...ugh it really makes my heart hurt for him...

  3. What a sweet boy you have!! And these paintings came out adorable!

  4. Oh, Levi--such a sweet, sensitive little boy! I love seeing these beautiful paintings and seeing his little hand all decorated. Love. love. love.

  5. I love the fish painting! There's something about painting with kids that makes everything better... I'm going to have to trying the hand print kissy-fish sometime with my kiddos!

  6. sweet levi...and sweet rebekah...i love both of your tender, beautiful hearts so very much! this painting time together just sounds like the absolute best! i love that you carved out this time after a more challenging morning for levi--what a wonderful way to love on him and nurture his spirit and process with him about swimming lessons and his feelings around that new activity. not only that, but he now has this concrete artwork to see everyday in the kitchen and be reminded of your confidence in him and your amazing love for him! (and his fish could not be cuter! what a great project!) xoxo

  7. So sweet so tender. I am glad you took the time to share this.
    If you would indulge me, I am the mother of grown children. I had 4 in 5 years, one at a time. If I could impart anything to you from this end, it would be this, it is worth it to partake. You are worth it, they are worth it and in the long run you will never regret the sacrifices you make to be able to partake. I wish that I had known this back then, even if I did I doubt I would have trusted myself enough to go there. What I can and do now is partake as often as I can with my 4 year old grandson. And also with my grown children when they let me in.

    Now I think I shall get my paints and paper ready for when my angel comes to visit, we have some handprint fish to create.

  8. Viki - that brought tears to my eyes, thank you for sharing your wisdom it is hard to stop sometimes and just sit and be with them with all the things pulling for attention. your an encouragement today - have fun making fish with your grandson!

  9. Hi! I found your blog while reading some other blogs. I love the photos! And on Sunday I'm going to do 10 on 10. :)

  10. OK i've been inspired ... i need to do a paint project with my littles this week too! it looks like too much fun! thanks for sharing.

  11. love this cute art project. one of my girls loves to do art project and i am in the same boat as you...i don't love the painting idea. but, i think the next sunny/hot day this would be great and then we can wash off in the pool! thanks for sharing!

  12. I think this is the cutest handprint painting idea I have ever seen. Very creative! I'm bookmarking it now to do with my niece...and hopefully someday down the road with my own kids!
