

I am having a guilty day today.

You know the one where wake up and can't stop beating yourself up for all the things your NOT getting done. Allowing television for a little too long. Staying in pajamas until well after lunch. Baking cookies because they sound good to you. Worrying about every last little thing that you have no control over. Letting the house, the sink, the laundry pile up.

And then I catch a glimpse of their heart and the truth that all they really want is to be tickled and read to and to eat cookies too with you in pajamas no care of a messy house only your full attention.

And I stop feeling guilty and decide to feel thankful that I get to be a part of their lives.

And eat another cookie.

I am a lucky Mama.

{linking up with hill today HERE}


  1. i have your blog on my reader and have gained so much wisdom and insight from the little peek that you provide into your life.
    i especially love how you present yourself so honestly.

    i have started a weekly project called
    picture me {im}perfectly

    and was wondering if you'd be willing to link up your latest post?

    i hope and think and pray that this is going to move hearts in blogland.


  2. I agree! Cleaning etc will always be there. So important just to hang out with our precious ones.

  3. of course I will gladly link up hill such an awesome heart in your project I love it!

    and yes Leanne the cleaning is always there isn't it :) so I am trying to embrace the moments to just be with them as much as I can!

  4. Lovely post. I couldn't agree more. :0)

  5. What a great reminder about appreciating the small things in life!

  6. What a welcome reminder of the things that really matter! -- Kathy at

  7. I absolutely love this post and needed to read it today. I have those guilty days too...especially lately. But I am blessed and I love being reminded of it. Thanks for posting this...I love your honesty and it feels good to know I'm not alone. :)

  8. How lovely! I completely agree, I'm having to remind myself of these things a lot lately, particularly with a new baby and a 3 year old. I just wrote about savoring these moments as well.

    This is my first time at your blog, it's so sweet! Found you through picture me imperfectly link, and so glad I did.

    All the best!


  9. Following you on Pinterest too, love finding new inspiring people on there!


  10. So precious! You are a lucky momma and your kids are lucky to have such a loving, creative mom. xxox

  11. Off to ignore things for a while. My babe is waking from a nap. Thanks for the reminder - I need it all too often.

  12. Enjoy those blessings while you still can. A slow paced life is a good life! :)

    This Good Life

  13. rebekah-- how is it that your blog gets better and better all the time?!?!?
