
Ten on Ten :: May 2011

Hello and happy tenth everyone!! May you all have an absolutely amazing day today capturing the beauty woven throughout your lives. When you are ready add your set to the linky below - I am really looking forward to checking out how your days take shape later on!

And if you are new to the project to play along all you have to do is: take one photo an hour for ten hours and then post the photos on your blog - capture a snapshot of the ordinary beauty of a simple day in your life!

Have fun and happy photographing,


  1. i'm so excited to link up today :) love this idea! have a great day.

  2. Oh I can't wait to post mine later today! I'm not doing 10 hours in a row because of my job (I can't take photos at work) but I did the math and I'll be out of work for 10 hours so I can still play, right?

  3. This is my first (official) time doing this...So excited! But I messed up and posted the wrong link the first time...sorry! The second one is the right one:)
