

(photo by Stacy Bostrom)

Sponsorship Opportunities

A Bit of Sunshine is a lifestyle blog featuring all original content of primarily DIY, craft tutorials, photography, decorating, dating and marriage and the little bits of happy we find throughout our mostly grey Seattle days!  We have been featured on sites such as Design Sponge, Odeedoh, Apartment Therapy, Creature Comforts, Prudent Baby, Ruche and Parent Magazine most recently. If you are interested in having your product reviewed or you would like to send me something from your shop, as well as any other questions about sponsoring, please email me at: rebekah(dot)gough(at)gmail(dot)com with the subject line SPONSOR. 

2,000+ page-views daily (on average)
75,000+ page-views monthly (on average) 
5000+ followers via bloglovin', GFC, G Reader, RSS feed, email subscribers + more